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One night in a sentence

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Sentence count:274Posted:2018-01-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: benightbenightedin the nightopening nightflorence nightingalenightknightnighty
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121. One night, the dancing seemed to roll up like a wave and crash into our table.
122. Adelelm and his manservant were caught in a storm one night.
123. All this time I still wondered about the origin of babies, and one night I raised the subject with Nellie.
124. And one night, I knew that he found himself an intolerable burden, and that in the woods he lost himself.
125. The Border Patrol received an anonymous call one night about drug activity in the area.
126. I got sad up on the mountain one night looking at them all.
127. On our march we camped one night in a vacant lot adjoining a female seminary at Gordonsville.
128. He had had to go out on exercise one night, and was on duty another, poor thing.
129. One night three of us decided to go to the cinema.
130. One night, in the late 70s, a large group of people broke into Zofia's apartment while Bronislaw was away.
131. The stabbings occurred just one night after two homeless men were stabbed several times while they slept only a few blocks away.
132. She put on a black raincoat and snuck around outside her building one night.
133. I first learnt of it when, dining one night in a London restaurant, I received an urgent summons from Harold.
134. During his absence from home one night, she died of an overdose of laudanum.
135. One night she had boarded a small fishing vessel moored at a small port near Yalta.
136. Mind, there was one night that I've often thought about.
137. I guess they forgot to roll them up one night,( and somebody stole them.
138. Late one night, he stopped at the gates of a Franciscan monastery to seek shelter.
139. It had been a short honeymoon: one night in front of a two-way mirror.
140. Then one night in an alleyway he witnesses a murder and finds himself lumbered with the dead man's child.
141. One night Hyde injured a child in the street and a passer-by saw him.
142. This could be one night he thinks he might knock off early for dinner at midnight.
143. One night at La Maze, a restaurant on the Strip, Bogie was confronted by a large man.
144. On his way drunkenly from the pub to the wood one night he fell down a railway embankment on to the line.
145. One night they secretly told all employees, except Peter to leave early.
146. Then one night Travis arrived, keyed up at the thought of seeing Rosemary again.
147. At that point, rather late one night,( night.html) he and I had the last of a long sequence of talks.
148. Oh yeah and me and my sore back got hold of little Selina late one night.
149. One night Pharaoh had a strange dream.
150. One night while reading a gruesome tale.
More similar words: benightbenightedin the nightopening nightflorence nightingalenightknightnightynightsall-nightnightlyat nightby nighttonightknightlynight owlfortnightnight skynightgownnightfallnightcapnightmaremidnightnighthawknight lifenightlifenighttimeovernightlast nightgood night
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